Monday, March 15, 2010

Your Black Entertainment News - 3/15/10

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Black Athletes: They Would Rather Have Dumb Black Men in the NFL?

by Dr. Boyce Watkins


You would think that Myron Rolle, the NFL super-stud who also happens to be a Rhodes Scholar, would be the kind of man who makes us proud. You would expect that his status as being the man who represents the future of the black athlete in America would make the NFL happy to have him on the roster of one of their teams. Not only is Rolle brilliant, but he is also tough as nails and fast as lightning. The man has the whole package.
But at least according to some NFL coaches, Rolle may not be committed enough to be a part of their league.
"We'll have to find out how committed he is," an NFC assistant coach said, repeating the sentiment of five other NFL officials who said the same thing.

Click to read

Friday, March 5, 2010

Black News: FAMU Sex Tape is Probably Fake

DR. BOYCE: The FAMU Sex Tape May Be A Big Ol’ Lie

Read more about DR. BOYCE: The FAMU Sex Tape May Be A Big Ol’ Lie

TAGS: FAMU, HBCUs, sex scandals




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